Hi There
I am trying to troubleshoot deadlock issues.
The dead lock is with a RID.
Now from various links i have established that you have to use DBCC PAGE() with relevant info to get more information, i get back a object and index id, m_objid.
However i dont know how to get the tablename form here, msdn simply says that it is an allocation id not and actual table id, so how can i from here get to table information?
All i am trying to figure out is which table is affected fromt he RID dealock, but that does not seem to be a simple process.
Anyone please ?
I have had the deadlock again:
Info is as follows:
RID 7,1, 6937169, 1
So i do the following to get the m_objid.
Dbcc traceon(3604)
Dbcc page(7,1, 6937169, 0)
Once i have the m_objid , i do the following select object_name(m_objid), this returns null ?
Someone please tell me how on earth do you get the table name from the deadlock info involving a RID ?
|||In SQL 2005, you can get the object id from Metadata: ObjectId when you execute the DBCC PAGE command.Thanks,|||
Hi Marcel
I have already stated that, what i am asking is how do you get from the allocation object id provided by DBCC PAGE to a actual table name, select object_name(m_objid) , using the object id returned by DBCC PAGE returns null ?
|||My Apologies Marcel, i see you meant MetaData object id, that works, thanx a million.
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