Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to get System.Query Namespace

Hi all,

I tried to do the Linq sample program, Already i have added System.Query namespace. But I am getting some error

like No reference to System.Query.

In my system , i have installed VS 2005 and .Net Framework 3.0.

Apart from the this, please tell me , whether any software are required

Regards and Thanks


Using/import statements can only reach the assemblies that are known to the application. In some cases you must explicitly add a reference to an assembly to be able to use it. To use System.Query you need to add a reference to that assembly. Right click on the solution and choose references. Click add and System.Query.dll should appear in that list.


I tried same what you mentioned but still i did not get System.Query reference.


What do you mean? Did it not appear in the .NET tab when you click on add reference? Then it is probably not registered correctly in the GAC... Do you see any other 3.0 assemblies in the list?


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