Friday, March 30, 2012

how to get this output ?

Hi Everybody,
I have a Table Call Referrals like this
EmpId Cl_Date RefrlNo OptNo
1 NULL 2565 2222
1 01/01/2007 2565 2223
2 01/02/2007 2567 2230
3 01/02/2007 2568 2231
3 01/03/2007 2568 2232
4 NULL 2569 2245
4 NULL 2570 2246

From this table i need to get the Emp Id, Cl_date RefrlNO,OptNo
where EmpId must have repeated more than one time as well as it must have at least one Cl_Date + at least one NULL Cl_Date

after all these requirement satisfy , i need to pick again a row data where Cl_Date Is null ?

So the out put should be like this
EmpId Cl_Date RefrlNo OptNo
1 NULL 2565 2222

how do i do this task ?

any idea ?

Code Snippet

createtable Referrals


EmpId int,

Cl_Date datetime,

RefrlNo int,

OptNo int



insertinto Referrals values(1,NULL, 2565, 2222)

insertinto Referrals values(1,'01/01/2007', 2565, 2223)

insertinto Referrals values(2,'01/02/2007', 2567, 2230)

insertinto Referrals values(3,'01/02/2007', 2568, 2231)

insertinto Referrals values(3,'01/03/2007', 2568, 2232)

insertinto Referrals values(4,NULL,2569,2245)

insertinto Referrals values(4,NULL,2570,2246)

SELECT EmpId, Cl_date, RefrlNo, OptNo FROM Referrals


EmpID IN(select EmpId from Referrals where Cl_date isNULL)


EmpID IN(select EmpId from Referrals where Cl_date isNOTNULL)


Cl_date ISNULL

If for EmpId we have line where Cl_date is NULL (see first IN clause) and line where Cl_Date is not NULL (see second IN clause), its that we have at least two lines with same EmpID

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