Row Number | Name | Phone Number |
1 | John Doe | (555) 123-1221 |
1 | John Doe | (555) 144-9989 |
2 | Smith | (666) 191-1201 |
3 | Jane Doe | (555) 188-0191 |
3 | Jane Doe | (555) 189-0192 |
3 | Jane Doe | (555) 190-0193 |
Here are the records I get back using a Grouping on "Name". I would like to assign a Row Number for each "Distinct" row. I've tried all the possible aggregate functions with no luck! Can anybody help me with this? Thanks.
Please try something like this:
=RunningValue(Fields!Name.Value & Fields!PhoneNumber.Value ,CountDistinct, Nothing)
|||Thanks. I didn't know that Expression can take multiple values!!! Now I know!
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