Hi friends
I have one Table called tblCategory.
I have three Column CatID, CatName, ParentID
I have many records in this Table
CatID CatName ParentID
1 Cat1 0
2 Cat2 1
3 Cat3 1
4 Cat4 2
5 Cat5 2
6 Cat6 0
7 Cat7 6
8 Cat8 6
9 Cat9 7
10 Cat10 7
11 Cat11 8
Here I have Main Category which has ParentID 0 [ Cat1 and Cat6 ]
I Have Sub categories of Cat1 Which has ParentID 1(CatID 1 of Cat1) [ Cat2 and Cat 3 ]
Cat 2 has also sub category with ParentID 2 (CatID 2 of Cat2) [ Cat4 and Cat5]
I want result looks like as
Cat1 Cat6 ->>>>>ParentID 0
- Cat2 -Cat7 ->>>>>ParentID 1(CatID of Root Cat1) and ParentID 6(CatID of Root Cat6)
- - Cat4 - -Cat9 ->>>>>PaerntID 2(CatID of Root Cat2) and ParentID 7(CatID of Root Cat7)
- - Cat5 - -Cat10 ->>>>>PaerntID 2(CatID of Root Cat2) and ParentID 7(CatID of Root Cat7)
- Cat3 -Cat8 -->>>>>ParentID 1(CatID of Root Cat1) and ParentID 6(CatID of Root Cat6)
--No record --Cat11
Can anybody give me solution?
See if this article on working out JOIN syntax will help:http://www.mikesdotnetting.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=72
There are two tables but in my case I have only one table.
There are two tables but in my case I have only one table.
So you have. Sorry, I saw the word Relation in the title of your post and thought you were after somerthing else.
Is what you are after something like the threaded view of a discussion board or similar? If so, one solution might be a recursive function. If not, could you explain the logic beind the diagram you have supplied? I can't, for example see the basis on which Cat3 and Cat8 on the penultimate line are related.
There are two tables but in my case I have only one table.
You can query a table twice in the same statement and join it to itself. :) You just need to give each usage of the table a different table alias.
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