Friday, March 30, 2012

How to get the value of script of various SQLDMO(version 8.0) objects

I am working on a project where I want to access and modify some objects of Microsoft SQL 2000 database.
Would someone help me how to do this? I need following informations;
- Script of the checks of a table
- Script of the Indexes of a table
- Script of Key object(Primary or Forign key)
- Script of Permissions of View and Stored procedure

The following code returns no result;

MyTabelClass mytabelClass = new MyTabelClass();

mytabelClass.Naam = table.Name;

mytabelClass.ChecksScript = table.Script(SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRI_Checks,string.Empty,string.Empty,SQLDMO_SCRIPT2_TYPE.SQLDMOScript2_Default);

mytabelClass.IndexesScript = table.Script(SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Indexes,string.Empty,string.Empty,SQLDMO_SCRIPT2_TYPE.SQLDMOScript2_Default);

Thanks in advance.
With regards,

Your script is incorrect. Instead of accessing an existing object, you create a new one :

MyTabelClass mytabelClass = new MyTabelClass(); create a new instance.

See this sample:

Dim svr As New SQLServer
svr.Name = "."
svr.LoginSecure = True

Dim t As Table

Set t = svr.Databases("pubs").Tables("authors")

MsgBox t.Script(SQLDMOScript_DRI_Checks, "", "", SQLDMOScript2_Default)
MsgBox t.Script(SQLDMOScript_Indexes, "", "", SQLDMOScript2_Default)


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