Friday, March 30, 2012

How to get two different SQL servers to talk to one another

Hi all I need to create a view for another sql server on the network.

I can create a view for two to databases on the same sql server to talk but how do you do it for a differend sql server??

CREATE VIEW dbo.Revocations_View
SELECT TM#, LastName, FirstName, MI, SSN, [I/R #], Date, ReasonofRevocation, Notes, Termination, Conditional, WasEmployeeFined, LicenseSuspension,
FROM LicensingActions.dbo.Revocations_TblUse sp_addlinkedserver ( to put the servers on "speaking terms" with each other. In a secured network, you may have to deal with Security Account Delegation ( After you've resolved that, you need to use four part names ( and you're in business.

-PatP|||thanks pat thats exaclty what I need
appreciate it :)|||a fine meal and big bottle of wine outta do it. could'nt resist.

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