Hello everyone.
I make the IRowset form IOpenRowset::OpenRowset() method because I want to use the base type cursor, scrollable and updatable.
But I don't know how to get the IRowsetPosition in this case..
I want to know the current cursor position after calling IRowset::GetNextRows().
I'm developing MFC application using OLE DB interface in VM5.
Thanks in advance..
You could read the identity column?|||When using a base table cursor the best approach to do what you want is to use the bookmark column (at column index 0). You must expose the IRowsetBookmark (if memory serves me well) and then you can reposition the cursor on any bookmark of the open rowset.|||Thank you..
After posting my question, I updated my code by IRowsetBookmark and it worked.
Now I have the confidence that the way I did is the best.. :-)
Is there no way to get the IRowsetPosition..? just for curiosity
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