Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to get Full-Text to not ingore special characters

We just implemented a full-text index on our product master table,
however the users are now screaming because they cannot search on some
of the special characters that are commonly found in our product
descriptions, specifically the #, %, and period (.)

These characters are not in the Noise file, so no luck in just
deleting them from there, but somehow, the full-text is automatically
ignoring those characters, and we would like for the full-text to not
ignore these characters.

Any insight or help would be appreciated.

Thanks"dotnetprogrammer" <> wrote in message m...
> We just implemented a full-text index on our product master table,
> however the users are now screaming because they cannot search on some
> of the special characters that are commonly found in our product
> descriptions, specifically the #, %, and period (.)
> These characters are not in the Noise file, so no luck in just
> deleting them from there, but somehow, the full-text is automatically
> ignoring those characters, and we would like for the full-text to not
> ignore these characters.

You're probably better off asking in

The experts there can help you.

Off the top of my head, I don't believe you can search on those, but they
will be able to tell you for sure.

> Any insight or help would be appreciated.
> Thanks

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